Category: Misc.

  • Perl Module for use with Yourls Released

    I wanted to put an image of the Perl Camel up on this post but it would have required getting permission from O’Reilly to do so. Hence, I decided to use this beautiful picture by angeloux. I just got around to finishing the alpha version of WWW::Shorten::Yourls which is a simple Perl module to shorten…

  • Startup Saturday Volunteer Meetup

    For anyone interested in volunteering for Startup Saturday Delhi, we’re meeting today, November 22nd, 2008 at 3pm at the Teknatus office in NSIC. If you’re interested in joining us, please drop me a note.

  • Startup Saturday Delhi Update

    A quick update on Startup Saturday. Startup Saturday Delhi is going to be hosted by the American Center on the 13th of December 2008. Startups are encouraged to fill out the demo form. Startups, investors, media, and other individuals interested in attending Startup Saturday are requested to fill out the registration form. Security will be…

  • IBM’s Enterprise Mashup Video

    Below is a nice little video from IBM explaining enterprise mashups succinctly and in a language that non techies could understand. Enjoy.

  • Hiring and Firing at a Startup

    Hiring is one of the most important tasks of any startup. It’s critical to the success of a business. Hiring people can be fun and even motivating. When hiring a person, you’re as much selling your business and yourself as the candidate is selling themselves to you and your business. Hiring quality people in India…