Tag: Net Neutrality

  • Telcos Rule the Internet

    The U.S. Sentate panel has sided with the telcos in allowing them to create a two-tier Internet. Get ready to pay more for your Internet services and if you’re looking to start a new Internet company, you’ll have to factor in the toll to the carriers to get your content to the public at reasonable…

  • What is Net Neutrality About?

    Watch this short video presentation that tries to explain exactly how losing net neutrality will affect all of us. technorati tags:netneutrality, Net Neutrality, Internet Blogged with Flock

  • Save The Internet!

    Sign the online petition at Save the Internet.com to send a message to Congress that you will not allow the Telcos to control the Internet, watch and limit what you do on the Internet, and charge multiple times for the same content. Tags: Save the Internet, Internet, Net Neutrality, Verizon, AT&T, Telcos, Cable Operators, Congress,…

  • CIO Blogs – Who owns the Internet? We have a map that shows you. |

    Very interesting map of the ownership of the Internet by carriers in the US. Mr. Worthen also touches on Net Neutrality, which I have blogged about previously here and here. Read more at blogs.cio.com/node/209 technorati tags: Internet, carriers, CIO Blogs, net neutrality