Update from Delhi …

We’ve been in New Delhi for almost 4 weeks now. It’s been pretty tough adjusting to living out of temporary quarters. The three of us have been facing one minor illness after another. Fortunately, we have a very helpful and supportive family that’s been helping us with the adjustment. I’ve been looking for apartments for the last 3 1/2 weeks with no luck. Real estate in Delhi is far more difficult to get a grip on than it is in the U.S. We’re continuing our search despite the difficulties.

I haven’t quite started any sort of work yet. My time has been fully utilized in searching for apartments and with other personal things but I plan on starting the work thrust from the beginning of May. Exactly what direction work will move in, I don’t know. i just know there are lots of opportunities to examine. I just hope health issues don’t get in the way of moving forward.

As I’m not able to get online for an extended period of time on a daily basis, it is hard to continue blogging. I’ve considered the MoBlog option but to be honest, I can’t imagine typing a 100 word blog post on my Nokia E61. I will try to put out updates once ever week to two weeks.

Until next time, Namaskar.




