Category: Gadgets & Tech

  • Fedora Core 4

    Fedora Core 4 was released in the middle of June with some interesting enhancements/additions. Click here to download it. So far, FC4 is the most stable and simplest Fedora release that I’ve run. I was able to install it on my Thinkpad T40 and have everything up and running in less than 45 minutes with…

  • The Mac Saga Continues …

    I’ve been using the Mac for roughly a month now and I love the machine but I just finished ordering a 1GB memory upgrae for the Mini. OSX desperately needs more memory. I’ve used Fink to install Gnome on OSX, not because I think it’s better or worse than Aqua, but more to see if…

  • The Mac Mini II

    Well, I’ve been playing with the Mini for just over a week now. Everything’s been pretty smooth other than needing lots of memory and being close to filling up the hard drive. Now, the fun part has been ssh’ing to my Linux box and trying to run Novell Evolution. So far, I’ve had no luck…

  • The Mac Mini

    I’ve been watching Macs for about 3 years now with a bit of envy. Apple, a few weeks ago, released the Mac Mini – “The most affordable Mac ever”. Within the first two weeks, Apple dropped the price of the memory, bluetooth, and wireless options. This made the Mac Mini even more enticing. I began…

  • SSH Hacker blocking script

    I finally modified the script slightly to keep a list of the “bad” IP addresses in a text file. Please feel free to modify the script any way you like and I’d really appreciate any modifications anyone might have. #!/bin/sh # $Author: pankaj $ # $Date: 2005/01/27 18:58:27 $ # $Revision: 1.2 $ # #…