OSSCamp Delhi SE01
OSSCamp Delhi Summer Edition kicked off this morning. There was a movie called “Revolution OS” that talked about the beginning of the Free Software Foundation and GNU. It spawned a few discussions about GNU, Linux and the various distributions built around GNU software and the Linux kernel. Interesting movie – NOT an Open Source documentary. […]
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on ThinkPad T60
After the release of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, I decided to try upgrading my installation of Edgy Eft directly using Ubuntu Update Manager. It wasn’t working for various reasons so I used the command line to run apt-get upgrade. That was a big mistake. It downloaded and installed a few packages which upon reboot, broke Gnome. […]
Setting up the ThinkPad T60
The first thing I did after I got the T60 was to format the drive, keeping the rescue partition, and resize the first boot partition to give Windows XP 15 GB. I’ve decided to keep XP on this laptop for being able to do firmware upgrades to the Nokia E61 and to be able to […]
Fedora Core 6 Delayed Again
Take a look at the Fedora Core 6 Draft Schedule. They’ve delayed general release by two more days. The original release date was Oct. 10th (I believe this was the initial date), then Oct. 17th, and now Oct. 19th. I’m anxiously waiting to see if I can install FC6 on my MacBook using an external […]
Effective Emacs
Interesting article on Emacs but most people using Emacs today are using it on Intel Hardware ( and PowerPC base Macs ). I think the writer is misisng the one major point that people love about emacs – The ability customize your environment to work the way you want. The author proposes making keyboard bindings […]