Category: Open Source

  • OSSCamp Delhi – September 2008

    OSSCamp is gearing up for another meet on September 27th and 28th in Delhi. The volunteers have just spent a great deal of time and energy rebuilding the site and it looks great. Take a look at the site, sign up, think of a way to participate and join us on the 27th and…

  • Running MySQL on OS X Leopard

    I’ve recently gotten back into some development and needed to run MySQL on my Leopard computers. The easy way out was downloading and running MAMP (a great pre-built package of Apache and MySQL). Unfortunately, I hated starting the Apache and MySQL daemons manually. I created OS X launchctl scripts to start Apache and MySQL but…

  • Microsoft backs open source work

    It’s great to finally hear that MSFT is beginning to see the light and getting involved in open source projects like Apache.  I just hope the right hand knows what the left hand is doing and this continues. Read more about MSFT donatine cash to the Apache Foundation and pledging to open up some of…

  • TechCrunchIT » Blog Archive » The New Apple Walled Garden

    A great post from Nik Cubrilovic on those of us forgetting about our FOSS ideals by falling victim to the consumerist attitudes that the shiniest, sexiest gadgets in the playground evoke. TechCrunchIT » Blog Archive » The New Apple Walled Garden  

  • OSSCamp Delhi SE01

    OSSCamp Delhi Summer Edition kicked off this morning. There was a movie called “Revolution OS” that talked about the beginning of the Free Software Foundation and GNU. It spawned a few discussions about GNU, Linux and the various distributions built around GNU software and the Linux kernel. Interesting movie – NOT an Open Source documentary.…