Apache 2, Tomcat 4, and mod_jk2 on Fedora Core 2
Apache 2, Tomcat 4, and mod_jk2 on Fedora Core 2 I am amazed at how cryptic the documentation for Tomcat, mod_jk2 and Apache is. Getting these three components installed and running was pretty easy ( especially using prebuilt RPMs ). However, configuring all the components so they work together was incredibly difficult to figure out. […]
Centrino on FC2 Part 2
It’s been a while since I promised to post instructions on getting the Centrino working on my Thinkpad T40 with Fedora Core 2 and unfortunately, I forgot eveyr step I took in order to get it working. The most recent problem I faced was that one of the yum repositories posted an updated firmware driver […]
Centrino on Thinkpad T40
This turned out to be pretty easy. I installed the RPMs from ATRpms for the hostap and ipw2100 kernel modules. Initially, I couldn’t load the modules without rebooting the laptop. Upon reboot, the Centrino was recognized by Kudzu. I logged in and my Centrino chip was connected to the closest AP with DHCP. I love […]
Fedora Core 2 Update
I’ve been away on vacation, buried with work and spending time with the lovely wife and relatives so it’s been a little tough to spend time on the computer. I’m finally getting some time today to get back to tinkering. Mozilla Foundation released Firefox 0.9 recently. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get it to […]
Lexar ThumbDrive not detected on FC1->FC2 upgrade
This is a strange one. My 128MB Lexar Thumbdrive gets detected and mounted automatically on my Thinkpad T40 but on my Dell desktop, FC2 isn’t even detecting it. FC2 on the Dell is detecting my Palm Tungsten T and a USB Bluetooth dongle, and a USB multi-card reader but not the Thumbdrive. Again, odd but […]