Cold Emailing Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors
Although most people recommend getting an introduction to a VC or an angel investor, it is sometimes necessary to send a cold email. Here are some thoughts on how one could frame those emails. This is what I think the basic structure of the email should be: Why you are reaching out How your startup […]
Angel Investing at Scale with Fabrice Grinda
Fabrice Grinda is the founder of Zingy, Aucland OLX and FJ Labs, a VC firm and venture studio based in NYC, focusing on marketplace businesses. FJ Labs has invested in hundreds of companies such as Alibaba, Bla Bla Car, Zolostays, Brightroll, ZoomCar and many many more. In 2018, Forbes named Fabrice the #1 Angel investor […]
What is the Difference Between Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors?
What is the difference between venture capitalists and angel investors? In this episode of InvestStream, I discuss the difference between these two types of startup investors. Knowing the difference can be very useful in understanding a particular investor’s motivation for investing or not investing in a startup.
A New Livestream Series – The Raise
As founders, a VC, angel and, now, through our advisory business at Founder Craft, we get asked for advice or “feedback” a lot. The questions range across a wide spectrum. However, they have one thing in common – they as for our opinions. My Partner at Founder Craft, Gregarious and I have been doing some […]