ssh hacker script
Ok, I admit it, this script is horrible, even for a quick hack. Duplicate address constantly get processed every hour since they’re already in the log file. I’m going to look into doing this in a slightly smarter fashion before a specific ip address is blocked 48 or 72 times….
Blocking ssh hackers
I wrote a very simple shell script to use iptables to block ip addresses that are use various rootkits to try and hack into your box over ssh. I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to find something on the web that would integrate snort into doing this but no luck. Hence, this simple script which I’ve included into […]
Learning Linux and Fedora Core 3
I’ve been using Solaris and Linux for more than eight years now and couldn’t bare the thought of having to use Windows. I always thought it would be easy for anyone to use Linux if they were slightly technical. However, I’ve been learning that most *nix systems are still very far away from becoming mainstream […]
Rolling my own Linux Distro
I’ve decided to take the plunge and try rolling my own Linux distribution based on Redhat’s Fedora Core 3. I’m including many thirdparty RPMs from Fedora RPM services like FreshRPMS, DAG, ATRpms, and jpackage as well as some customized applications that i’ve been playing with. It’s been very interesting reading and learning exactly how to […]
Fedora Core 3 Fresh Install
Well, it looks like there’s either something wacky with my hardware. After 11 tries, I could not get the Fedora Core 3 installation done on my Dell Dimension. I had to revert to some old Redhat 8 CDs I had, install a basic installation on a tiny partition and manully add a reference to boot […]