Why India is the Next Frontier for Mobile
Unmodified picture by Ramesh Lalwani under Creative Commons 2.0 All over the world, opportunities are flourishing for mobile development (and investment). In some countries, like the U.S.,64% of adults owned a smartphone in 2015. In China, 68% of adults have a smartphone. Yes, these countries still offer room for growth. But not like India. Indian use […]
India to Leapfrog Web 2.0 to Mobile 3.0
Much like India missed the industrial revolution, it is clear that India is going to miss the Web 2.0 revolution as well. There are many “Web 2.0” startups in India and some have been doing well, e.g. Zoho and SlideShare but that’s mainly due to an international user base and not indigenous Indian users. I’ve […]
iPhone 2.0 WordPress and the Indian Government
This is my first post using the new WordPress App from the iTunes App Store. Pretty good so far and really easy to use. So far the Indian government looks like it will stay in power. What does that mean for the Indo-US nuclear pact? It looks good. What does it mean for the Indian […]
India’s Great Leveler
There’s a great article on the MercuryNews today by India’s former candidate for UN Secretary General, Mr. Shashi Tharoor. Mr. Tharoor discusses how mobile phones in India are democratizing communication in India and empowering the less priveleged citizens of the country. This is yet another example of how less government (rather than more government) is […]
Nokia E61 Support or Lack Thereof
I’ve been having many problems with my Nokia E61, after the firmware upgrade. I’ve posted some of the issues on this blog as well as commented on some of the E61 or Symbian S60 specific blogs like NokMe and the E Series Blog. Apparently, there are many people having similar issues, though not exactly the […]
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