What is the Difference Between Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors?
What is the difference between venture capitalists and angel investors? In this episode of InvestStream, I discuss the difference between these two types of startup investors. Knowing the difference can be very useful in understanding a particular investor’s motivation for investing or not investing in a startup.
InvestStream – Our New Podcast

A few weeks ago, my friend Harjit, and I decided to start recording our conversations about the economy, startups, and tech in the US and India and sharing it with people that may be interested. We are calling this podcast InvestStream. We’ve done two episodes so far and plan to do it weekly. We’ve discussed […]
IBM’s Enterprise Mashup Video
Below is a nice little video from IBM explaining enterprise mashups succinctly and in a language that non techies could understand. Enjoy.
We Didn’t Start the Bubble
This is a great video I stumbled upon.
TED Talks – Al Gore
This is a great talk from former Vice President Al Gore at TED 2006. technorati tags:TED, Google, Al Gore