The Wall Street Journal reported today that at a press conference, Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, announced that he will be transitioning his daily responsibilities at Microsoft over to Ray Ozzie and Craig Mundie. Ray Ozzie will assume the title of Chief Software Architect immediately. Craig Mundie will assume the title of Chief Research and Strategy Officer. Ray Ozzie and Craig Mundie will continue to work very closely with Bill Gates over the transition period which will be through July 2007. Bill Gates will be retaining the tilte of Chairman of the Board of Microsoft.

After thirty years of running the largest and most dominant force in technology, Bill Gates has decided to spend more of his time focusing on charitable endeavors. Though I am not a fan of Microsoft’s products, I have tremendous respect for the company and all the people who helped build Microsoft into what it is today. I wish Bill Gates the best of luck and success in giving back to society.

Read more at … – Bill Gates to Hand Over Daily Duties at Microsoft

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