Almost 2/3 of the claims that SCO is making against IBM have been thrown out. After repeated requests to show exactly where code was taken from UNIX and put into Linux, SCO has yet to comply. The magistrate found it inexcusable that SCO wasn’t providing all the details. This is very good news indeed. I wonder how this will affect SCO’s cases against corporate Linux users DaimlerChrysler and AutoZone.

SCO Group (nasdaq: SCOX – news – people ), of Lindon, Utah, is suing IBM (nyse: IBM – news – people ), claiming IBM stole code from Unix, for which SCO holds some copyrights, and put it into Linux, which is distributed free. SCO is seeking billions in damages.The case, filed in 2003, is scheduled for trial in 2007. But Wednesday night, in a blistering 39-page ruling, Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells of the United States District Court in Utah tossed out two-thirds of SCO’s claims against IBM.

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