Setting Up a Mac Mini Snow Leopard Server Without a Display
The Mac Mini has always been a great little workgroup or home server. The low power consumption combined with the form factor have convinced me to pick up my second mac mini since 2005. The first one was a PowerPC based 1st gen Mini and served as a primary desktop for many many years. This […]
MySQL 64bit, Perl 32bit and OS X Leopard
This is a little tip on how to get Perl(32bit) working with a 64bit version of MySQL on OS X Leopard.
Running MySQL on OS X Leopard
I’ve recently gotten back into some development and needed to run MySQL on my Leopard computers. The easy way out was downloading and running MAMP (a great pre-built package of Apache and MySQL). Unfortunately, I hated starting the Apache and MySQL daemons manually. I created OS X launchctl scripts to start Apache and MySQL but […]
iPhone 1.1.3 Jailbreak Released
A splinter dev team released iBrickr for Windows and Apple OS X to jailbreak Apple iPhones with firmware 1.1.13. This jailbreak will only work on phones that have been upgraded from firmware 1.02 to 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 and then to 1.1.3. This jailbreak will NOT work on OTB (Outta The Box) 1.1.3 iPhones. As with […]
Apple MacBook Hard Drive Goes Kplunk!
After downloading from iTunes and watching episode 3 of the second season of Sleeper Cell: American Terror, my MacBook completely froze up and wouldn’t respond to anything. I don’t think it was some terrorist plot to thwart my viewing of Sleeper Cell but I was forced to power off the machine and since then I […]
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