Category: India

  • India’s Great Leveler

    There’s a great article on the MercuryNews today by India’s former candidate for UN Secretary General, Mr. Shashi Tharoor.  Mr. Tharoor discusses how mobile phones in India are democratizing communication in India and empowering the less priveleged citizens of the country.  This is yet another example of how less government (rather than more government) is…

  • Social Mobile Mapping (Mapiki)

    With Google’s release of Google Maps for Australia, I am hoping Google Maps India isn’t going to be that far away. Being a complete outsider to Indian roads and traffic, it would be a very welcome addition to our list of expat related sites and tools that we’ll be relying on after we move to…

  • Another Concrete Jungle? The 2001 Census projects a yearly requirement of 75,000 dwelling units. Eighty per cent of this demand will be met through redeveloping existing colonies and urbanising agricul

  • M2I

    I had written about M2I (Moving-2-India) here and about how I’ve been bitten by the bug. Well, we’ve made our final decision to make the move. As scary as it might be, we think it’s going to be incredibly exciting. There’s a lot to be done but we’re going to India for a few months…

  • Skin in the Game

    I was reading an interesting post on Gaurav’s blog about founders of startups taking significant paycuts when raising funding from VCs. i was going to post a comment but am having some trouble connecting to Gaurav’s blog. VCs in India are applying what they’ve learned operating in the US and Europe to an economy and…