Category: India

  • I’m Baaaaaaaaack!

    Actually, I’ve been back from India for a month but there has just been too much going on personally for me to devote time to blogging. It was a great trip and I met some very interesting people. I will probably be heading back out to India sometime in the next 4 to 6 weeks.…

  • FOSS.IN Begins

    I’m at FOSS.IN at the National Science Symposium Centre in Bangalore. Mr Atul Chitnis will be giving the keynote in just a few minutes, kicking off this year’s event. FOSS.IN is one of the largest conferences of its kind in the world. “This is an event for the community, by the community”. The event started…

  • The Knowledge Society

    Here’s a great article by Venkatesh Hariharan. He examines India’s tradition of knowledge sharing and how the subversion of this knowledge sharing has left repurcussions still being felt today. This is a must read article for anyone, especially those you believe that intellectual property must be protected and hoarded or it will be detrimental to…

  • Ready for FOSS.IN

    I will be heading to Bangalore Thursday to attend the FOSS.IN event this coming weekend. FOSS.IN is the largest FOSS event in the world. I’m very excited to attend this event and meet people heavily involved in the open source movement. I am not sure if there will be an opportunity to blog directly from…

  • Delhi Real Estate

    Since I started writing the previous post on my Passage to India, I’ve been very fortunate to meet some really incredible people in New Delhi. People have been very helpful and extremely forthcoming with advice, suggestions, and contacts. Last Wednesday and Thursday., I saw three excutive office suites. They range from $680/month/person to $800/month/person. What…