Fedora Core 3 Fresh Install
Well, it looks like there’s either something wacky with my hardware. After 11 tries, I could not get the Fedora Core 3 installation done on my Dell Dimension. I had to revert to some old Redhat 8 CDs I had, install a basic installation on a tiny partition and manully add a reference to boot […]
What a Pain Installing Fedora Core 3!
Wow…I have never tried 7 straight installations of any OS before. I wound up needing to re-install Fedora Core 3 on my Dell Dimension at home and reinstalled it 7 times. Each of those seven times, the installation went fine, but the boot loader wouldn’t install. I’m presuming that FC3 has a bug and can’t […]
Another FC2 to FC3 upgrade
Another FC2 -> FC3 upgrade I just upgraded my FC2 desktop to FC3 and again, absolutely smooth!! This time, I didn’t even have the problem of evolution not migrating my 1.4 data over to 2.0. Also, I like the way evolution 1.4 looked, felt, and worked. I know there are tons of RSS/ATOM feed agregators […]
Fedora Core 3 Upgrade
After a bit more playing with my upgraded laptop, I found that not all my FC2 packages were upgraded. I tried opening OpenOffice Writer and found that it wouldn’t start. After getting various library errors and checking the RPMs, I saw that the RPMs were old FC2 RPMs. I made sure yum was setup correctly […]
Fedora Core 3
Fedora Core 3 was released on Monday. By early Wednesday morning I had the DVD ISO downloaded and burnt onto a shiny new DVD+R. I popped the freshly burnt DVD into my laptop ( an IBM Thinkpad T40 ) and upgraded an existing Fedora Core 2 installation. The installation ran longer than I hoped it […]