openSUSE 10.2 on Lenovo ThinkPad T60
Well, I finally got around to installing openSUSE 10.2 on my ThinkPad T60. Unfortunately, I was running very low on disk space and couldn’t get any screen captures of the installation process. In general, the installation process went very smoothely. The biggest advantages of openSUSE 10.2 over Fedora Core 6 during the installation process are: […]
Setting up the ThinkPad T60
The first thing I did after I got the T60 was to format the drive, keeping the rescue partition, and resize the first boot partition to give Windows XP 15 GB. I’ve decided to keep XP on this laptop for being able to do firmware upgrades to the Nokia E61 and to be able to […]
Fedora Core 6 is Available
As scheduled, Fedora Core 6 was released on October 24th, 2006. I’ve upgraded a Dell PowerEdge to FC6 but that was after creating a bootable CD. Apparently, the diskboot.img that is used to create bootable USB flash drives wasn’t working for me. Upgrading FC5 to FC6 had a few issues like an i586 kernel being […]
Fedora Core 4
Fedora Core 4 was released in the middle of June with some interesting enhancements/additions. Click here to download it. So far, FC4 is the most stable and simplest Fedora release that I’ve run. I was able to install it on my Thinkpad T40 and have everything up and running in less than 45 minutes with […]
SSH Hacker blocking script
I finally modified the script slightly to keep a list of the “bad” IP addresses in a text file. Please feel free to modify the script any way you like and I’d really appreciate any modifications anyone might have. #!/bin/sh # $Author: pankaj $ # $Date: 2005/01/27 18:58:27 $ # $Revision: 1.2 $ # # […]