Founders Doing Due Diligence On Investors

Doing due diligence on investors is something that should be discussed more frequently. It’s important for founders to take the time to understand who the investors are, how do they help and support the companies they invest in, how do they react when things aren’t going as well as hoped for. Spending some time doing […]
Business Plan Archive
I just came across the Business Plan Archive while reading a post on VentureWoods. The Business Plan Archive is a research organization that’s loking to preserve business plans and other business documents from the Web 1.0 era. Very interesting site with lots of very valuable information. Take a look. In partnership with the Library of […]
Diigo and Internet Research
I’ve been using Diigo and the Diigo toolbar for a week or so now and so far, I really like it. I first heard about Diigo over at TechCrunch. Diigo is at a very basic level, another bookmarking site. However, Diigo offers a way to easily annotate comments or notes to a bookmark and share […]