openSUSE 10.2 on Lenovo ThinkPad T60
Well, I finally got around to installing openSUSE 10.2 on my ThinkPad T60. Unfortunately, I was running very low on disk space and couldn’t get any screen captures of the installation process. In general, the installation process went very smoothely. The biggest advantages of openSUSE 10.2 over Fedora Core 6 during the installation process are: […]
Lenovo and Novell Want a Ransom for Linux
I just spent 15 minutes on the phone with Lenovo trying to get information on their ThinkPads preloaded with SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop. I am very surprised at Lenovo’s half-hearted attempt at preloading Linux on ThinkPads. As I mentioned in this post, Lenovo and Novell announced the preloading of SuSE Linux on the ThinkPad T60p. […]
ThinkPad–now with Suse Linux – CNET
Novell and Lenovo are teaming up on a new ThinkPad laptop with Novell’s Suse Linux operating system preinstalled. Hopefully, the price doesn’t start at $3099 as stated on CNET. read more | digg story
Lenovo to preload Linux on T60p
Couldn’t Lenovo have announced this in May? It is so tempting to think if I could dual-boot SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 ( preloaded and supported by Lenovo – potentially with all the “ThinkPad Experience” applications like “Access Connections”, “Power Manager” and other utilities available on Windows ) and a version of OS X that […]
IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad Vs. Apple MacBook Revisited
I’ve been using the Apple MacBook on and off for a little over a month now.Disclosure: The MacBook isn’t my only computer. At the office, I have a Dell now running Ubuntu 6.06 and at home, I removed the failed IBM Deskstar drive out of my Dell, installed Ubuntu from scratch. At some point, I’ll […]