It’s been a while since I promised to post instructions on getting the Centrino working on my Thinkpad T40 with Fedora Core 2 and unfortunately, I forgot eveyr step I took in order to get it working.

The most recent problem I faced was that one of the yum repositories posted an updated firmware driver for the Centrino. I didn’t think much of it and downloaded the update using yum. Well, after the install, things just slowly started falling apart. It took me roughly four hours of trying various updates, installs, uninstalls, reconfigs to finally get the Centrino working again. Needless to say, I decided that there better be a really really good reason to update the firmware.

I basically went down the route of unistalling the firmware, uninstalling the kernel modules, removing all references to the centrino ethernet device in my modprobe.conf and in my networking setup. Then reinstalling the firmware, then reinstalling the kernel modules, then finally cnfiguring and reconfiguring the multiple network devices on the laptop. In the end, I was able to get the Centrino working as a new device, eth0 instead of the previous eth1. However, I’ve had to remove the kernel module for the gigabit ethernet that’s built into the laptop and my Linksys WG511 no longer works. As soon as I get some time, I’ll try and get these two other network devices working but for now, the Centrino on FC2 is very stable and my boot profiles for DHCP or static IPs work wonderfully!